WIP :: Maybroidery Reunion

I’ve been stitching flowers. Flowers I thought I had lost. Maybe you remember the Maybroidery stitchalong from 2014? Somehow I managed to misplace most of the flowers I had stitched for it, so I never finished the project that was included in the stitchalong, because I didn’t have time to re-stitch the flowers.

But guess what?! Recently I found the stitched flowers and I only needed to stitch a handful of flowers to have the full set of 31! Happy days! So I got on with stitching them and now I’m working on a wall hanging to display them all. Well, minus one, because 31 is such an awkward number!

It was such a delight to see all the different flowers together on the cloth, so I made sure to take a few (ok, a lot) pictures of them before cutting them apart.

I had a few ideas for how to use the flowers, but I ended up with this grid design with two green colours. Lots of thin strips to be cut!

I sewed together columns of flowers and thin strips and then there will be thin strips in between those. When I sewed the top and bottom strips across all the other strips, it turned out that one of the flower columns was out by quarter of an inch. Which isn’t too bad, and I’m not going for minute lining up precision, but it threw off the whole design. So the trusty seam ripper came out and hopefully I’ll have it fixed by the end of this week.

So so happy to have fund these flowers again! Can’t wait to finish the wall hanging. :-)

PS. Although the Maybroider stitchalong ended two years ago, you can still get the flower motifs from my shop.


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