A few weeks ago I took a class in machine embroidery at The Village Haberdashery and it was great! I had had a got at doing it myself earlier in the year, but I wasn’t quite sure I was doing it right. Turns out I was! Pretty much. But it was nice to learn how to do it properly and pick up some tips from Sophia, our lovely teacher.
Above is the piece I made during the class. I was really amazed at how much I got done!
I have to confess that for a looong time I thought that machine embroidery was kind of cheating, *real* embroidery is done by hand, right?! ;-)
But they are two different things and the machine kind isn’t as easy as one might think. Lesson learned.
I look forward to doing more machine embroidery, and maybe combining it with hand embroidery. Experimenting is half the fun of learning something new.
Since I took the class, I’ve only had time to try out my new skillz on a couple of small projects:
I did this without a plan in mind, I just started cutting some scraps of fabric and it ended up being a flower. A tend to gravitate towards flowers when I don’t know what else to do. ;-)
The last one is done from a sketch of Blake. I am really intrigued by the possibilities of machine embroidery looking like pen marks and sketching. I can’t quite get that look with hand embroidery, but I think it turns out quite well with machine embroidery. I definitely have to experiment more with this. Several ideas are bobbing around in my head already.
Yay for learning new things! :-)
You're so good at this, even in your first attempt!
Aww, thank you! I feel like there's still a LOT to learn. :-D