My niece and nephew are crazy about dinosaurs. When I visited last year, a particular dino book was read several times.
For Christmas I wanted to give them something personal, but it had to be light weight so the trans-atlantic shipping wouldn’t cost a fortune. So I made them custom dinosaur cushions. :-)
And it was the perfect project to put my new machine embroidery skillz to the test. The machine embroidery isn’t perfect, but that just adds character, right?

Here are the cushion covers without Blake getting in the way. Seriously, it’s like he has a sixth sense for when I’m taking pictures!
The dinosaur is based on a sketch of a drawing of a diplodocus I found online. I wanted something simple yet distinctive but without too many details where those machine skillz might not be up to it. For the names I just used a nice heavy font without any serifs to make things easier for myself.

One thing I wish I’d done differently, is use a fabric with a bit more contrast to the background on the orange cushion. I am slightly annoyed that I didn’t notice that it wouldn’t stand out as much as the one on the green cushion. But never mind.

The backs are these fun Michael Miller fabrics I’ve had in my stash for almost ten years. They are so fun and colourful. Luckily, there was just enough to make the backs.
these are fantastic! Your machine embroidery looks pretty good to me.