Friday Links :: Toy Instrument Covers, Crochet, Quiche

I walk past this tree almost every day when I walk Blake. I enjoy watching it change through the seasons. :-)

These crocheted illustrations by Tuija Heikkinen are delightful. {via SwissMiss}

I love Gmail short cuts and tricks. Here are a few that will help clear out a messy Gmail inbox and get rid of emails that are taking up unnecessary space.

I do not have a wholesale line sheet, but if I were to make one, I’d take a very good look at this post from Aeolidia.

Just in case you missed it last week, head over to the Calm/In The Moment website to download a free pattern from Mandalas to Embroider. :-)

I sometimes need a bit of help falling asleep and these Long Ambients pieces by Moby are excellent to drift off to.

Blogger Beware: You Can Get Sued for Using Photos You Don’t Own on Your Blog. Doesn’t just apply to bloggers.

Simple Tofu Quiche. I use the recipe for the ‘eggy’ filling, but add a bit of turmeric to it for yellow colour. For the base I use puff pastry and the vegetable filling is whatever I have to hand. Onion, tomato, broccoli are all nice.

Tony sent me a link to this version of Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit. It is played on childrens toy instrument. The Wackids have done a whole bunch of these covers. It is delightfully quirky. :-)


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