Look at this! I made these tops! Me!
And not only did I make them, I made several modifications to the pattern*, just making it up as I went. I am really happy with these tops. And comfortable sleeveless tops are necessary at the moment, what with the crazy heatwave we’re having here in the UK. Today, it’s supposed to read mid-30s°C. That is really hot for us!
I made the pink top first, using a pink pin dot cotton lawn with some of my precious Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy on the yoke.
The other top is made entirely from fabric in my stash. You can just see a corner of the main fabric, a favourite floral purple/mauve fabric I’ve had in my stash for ages. The yoke (and for this top I made my own modification with a back yoke as well) is made with fabric from one of Tony’s old shirts!
I keep all his old shirts, intending to make quilts with them. I never imagined I’d use them in a top for me. Mainly because I never imagined I’d make any tops for me. ;-)
*The pattern is the Dress No. 2 by Sonya Philip/100 Acts of Sewing from this Creativebug class. With this yoke modification.