Last weekend I visited my parents in Denmark while my sister and her family were in town too. It was so great to see them all! My niece and nephew are almost four now, so it’s a bit easier to communicate with them than when I visited them in California last year. :-)
It was a jam packed weekend. On Saturday, the grown up ‘girls’ went to a fabric shop and then to Århus to have a wander round. Per my request. I needed to soak up as much Danishness as possible. We had delicious lunch at Mikuna, a vegan takeaway cafe. I’d been thinking about the delicious burger I had there last year. I’m glad we made it there because the cafe had its very last open day the following day!
Sunday some of my friends came for lunch and we had a jolly afternoon chatting and laughing. :-)
The 10 Principles of Storytelling.
How to Send Canned Responses as Auto-Replies in Gmail.
Embroidered Typography Celebrates the Joy of Wearing Sweatpants and Staying In. Replace sweatpants with pjs and I’m in. ;-)
Ten drawings for creative people, to motivate and inspire.
If you use Inkscape instead of Illustrator (is it still called Illustrator?), you might find this useful: Custom palettes in Inkscape. I had NO idea you can make custom palettes!
If you would like to try Inkscape (it’s free!) here’s a good tutorial for beginners.
Abstracted Dual Landscapes Created Using Cleverly Placed Mirrors.