A little while ago, Jenny of Papper, Sax, Sten asked me if I would embellish a quilt block with embroidery for her. Of course I would! I’m always up for trying something a bit different. :-)
She sent me the block, which is a sample for her new pattern called Spruced Up. It looks like a very simplified Christmas tree and it is really cool! Check out the post Jenny wrote about the pattern, with some other examples of the block. It’s pretty amazing to see all the different versions.
My humble embroidered version pales in comparison! :-)

Here’s the top of the tree (you may remember it from my DMC Etoile review). I think this is my favourite bit. I didn’t plan any of the embroidery in advance, I just wanted to stitch what I fancied as I was working on it. I’m glad my brain decided I should add those finials to the star. :-)

The middle section of the tree. You can never go wrong with star stitch. It is one of my all time favourite stitches. :-)

This bottom section of the tree felt really vast compared to the other two and I really wasn’t sure how to stitch it. I started with the embroidery along the edges: cross stitch and fly stitch. All the while still pondering the interior.
I finally decided to try pointe russe and I really like the effect. And by sheer accident it does resemble pine needles ever so slightly. :-)