Finished Project :: Sausage Dog Cushion Cover

A friend of mine just moved from just-down-the-road all the way to Cornwall. Since they have three adorable sausage dogs, I thought I’d make a cushion cover with appliqué sausage dogs as a housewarming gift for their new home.

I used a couple of my favourite fabrics in the patchwork background. A Denyse Schmidt Flea Market Fancy reprint and an orange with pink flowers I bought in JoAnn’s when I visited my sister a couple of years ago.

The three dogs don’t look exactly like their real life counter part but if you know the dogs you will know which is which. I knew I’d not be able to capture their likeness exactly, but there are differences in size and one of them has sort of long hair like the real dog.

The pink dog is the smallest of the three and she took a real shine to Tony one time and happily spent a couple of hours fast asleep on his lap. :-)

The back is just a bunch of happy stripes. I was going to do them horizontally but then I only had enough fabric to do a vertical strip of those birds on the left, so vertical it is. I actually quite like it! :-)

A wee close up. A part of me still thinks that machine embroidery is kind of cheating but I’m doing my best to shut up that part. It’s not cheating, it’s just different from hand embroidery. ;-)


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