Map Embroidery Sampler

This is a small embroidery (4″ hoop) I have been working on for probably eight months or so. I just couldn’t get my act together and finish it. But the past few evenings I’ve been working on it while watching 30 Rock and it’s finally almost done. It didn’t even take that long, so I really don’t know what was stopping me from finishing it before! :-D

It is a map of a small corner of London, but it doesn’t really matter where exactly, because it’s just a little test to try this idea. Using the outlines made by the streets to create spaces to add embroidery stitches. The map takes away the ‘fear’ of having to draw something from scratch. You just draw the map and that’s where the stitching will be. You don’t have to think too much and sometimes that’s a good thing.

Less thinking, more embroidery. :-)


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