Hello. How are you? In this weird wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey time? Is it actually Friday today? Does anyone actually know anymore? :-)
I’m trying to keep busy-ish but it’s difficult because sometimes I just feel like curling up and taking a long nap to give my brain a break from The Weirdness! I don’t think I’m the only one?
I’ve been thinking of making a beginner embroidery class as a video class. I’m not sure yet, I’m kinda shy, and very self-conscious about the sound my own voice. So I dunno… Is a beginner class something you’d be interested in?
Yesterday someone got in touch about an old pattern of mine, asking if I could make it available again. And I was happy to, of course! So if you are also in need of a pattern to stitch a duck and/or a robin, here’s the Robin & Duck pattern to help you do just that! :-D
Speaking of patterns, don’t forget that there’s 15% off everything in my Payhip shop, using the code STAYHOME. Valid until April 30th. Especially check out the Bundles section for a great deal.
Why We Walk: A Manifesto for Peripatetic Empowerment.
I’m enjoying the work by Schmidt Iglesias – Twitter|Instagram.
Audible Stories: Free Audiobooks for Kids.
A Brain Exercise to Ease Anxiety.
Back to Art Basics: Draw Like a Bad Dog.
Good and Cheap, a free (PDF) cookbook by Leanne Brown.
New York City, Emptied by Virus.
The Difference Between Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents. {via}

On my daily walk with Blake I try to be on the look out for nice flowers to take pictures of. A little floral scavenger hunt. :-) These pansies are so tiny, I would have missed them if Blake hadn’t been sniffing the corner of the wall.
Hope you have a good weekend! x Carina
These are beautiful pansies. I too look for photographic opportunities, but I haven’t seen pansies in the neighborhood yet.