My Steps quilt is coming along nicely. I added the second half of June to the quilt top yesterday so I’m all caught up. I’ve added to the top every couple of weeks. It’s a nice way to spend an afternoon a couple of times a month. :-)

Tony ‘volunteered’ to hold up the top so I could take a picture of the whole thing. I like how it’s turning out. Except that there’s too many grey days so I gotta make an effort to do more steps! :-D
Maybe I should explain this project again? Unless you want to read the previous post about the quilt? Anyway. I have assigned a Denyse Schmidt print* for each 1000 steps. So for example 2000-2999 daily steps is grey, 8000-8999 steps is dark blue. So the quilt will be a record of all the steps I take this year. As recorded by my mobile phone app, so it’s not every single step because I do not have the mobile attached to me 24/7. :-D
*For some sections, where more of the days fall, for example 4000-4999 or 5000-5999 steps, I have assigned more than one print, but in a similar colour. Otherwise I would run out before the year is over!

I like this colour combination. But you can’t really go wrong when pink is added to the mix.

This square-ish block fills in the gap to make February the same length as January and March. I was going to select another Denyse Schmidt print to go in these gaps where some months are shorter than 31 days. But then I decided that it would be better to use a print by someone else, Leah Duncan. I like this print because it is kind of neutral but it is not just a solid colour.