Hey, how are you doing? Do things feel more ‘normal’ to you? I’m not sure they do to me. Time still feels weird. August has gone by in a flash and now it’s September and I’m not sure what day it is. I mean, I do know, but only because I’m writing a post which literally has the word Friday in it! But you know..! :-)
Here are some links for you. I hope you have a good weekend! x Carina
Archaeologists Excavate a Stunning Roman Mosaic.
The After. Agent Kate McKean talks about how publishing may be changing. (She happens to be my agent. :-) )
Potato, Lentil, and Zucchini Salad. Sounds delicious. Although I’m not a big fan of zucchini…
Artist Patrick Martinez Paints Moving Tributes to Victims of Police Brutality.
Gawthorpe textiles collection.
Lettering da ___. A project that collects letters and numbers from public streets. Gorgeous. {via}
Formed With Geometric Blocks of Color, Modern Women Exhibit Strength.