I saw these words somewhere…I can’t remember where. But it whispered to me “stitch me”. So I did. :-)
And now you can too. The pattern is available in my Payhip shop and on Etsy.
If you are monthly blog supporter, aka member of the Hot Choc with Sprinkles Club (what’s that??) the pattern is already available on the Club page. :-)
I love the combination of stitching and linen fabric. The textures play so well together. But may I suggest not using linen fabric that’s not meant for embroidery? My satin stitching looks a bit rough! :-D
I have included several smaller ‘wreath’ designs based on the pink flower. Oh and the wreath can of course be used without the text or you can replace the text.
I want to do more embroideries that use text. It’s nice to have a quote or something else to think about as you stitch it. Spring will come. It is inevitable, we can’t stop the planet from turning. It is a promise of new life, of light, of colour. And my goodness, do we need that!