I’ve been meaning to share these pictures I took when the project samples from Thread Doodling returned home to me. In the book they are quite small so I wanted to share them in case you wanted a closer look. And maybe take some inspiration from them! :-)
I love how this lampshade turned out, very minimal and bold. I have an idea to make another lampshade like this but with more embroidery. But who has the time?! :-)
The lampshade got a few knocks on the return journey, so I’m glad I had the foresight to ask the photographer if she would assemble the lampshade for the book pictures. I would have been pretty sad if we couldn’t have used the lampshade in the book. Even if it is a small picture. Embroidery on lampshades is such a fun project.

This may be my favourite of the projects. Just a simple zipper pouch but the whole thing just came together better than I imagined. I auditioned many fabrics for the pink edging before I found this perfect one.

Ok, it was my idea to embroider a tea towel, but I’ll be honest, I don’t think embroidery on tea towels is a very practical idea. They get used and washed so much that the embroidery is bound to start unraveling at some point.
Maybe if one had a collection of decorative tea towels… :-)

The very last stitching for Thread Doodling was this skirt. After the ‘official’ deadline for the book! We needed an extra sample for the book and I thought it would be fun to do stitching on a skirt. My mum offered to make a skirt for me, but it would take too long to wait for it to be posted.
I had a visit to Denmark planned just after the book deadline, and my editor very graciously ok’ed that I could send the skirt once I returned from Denmark. So I spent part of my little holiday stitching this skirt. :-)
Sometimes deadlines must be stuck to, other times they are flexible…

This is another favourite sample embroidery. For the pattern embroideries it is of course important to keep in mind that at some point someone is going to buy the book and potentially want to replicate it exactly. So sometimes I simplify the designs to make it easier to draw and to write the description of how it was made.
But with the sample embroideries that is not the case and they can be made a bit more loose and without thinking about them as A Pattern.
For this embroidery I only had a very loose idea of what I wanted to do when I started it. I think I did unpick some of it and redo it. But in the end I’m happy with it. I like the contrast of different colours and textures.
You can buy a signed copy of Thread Doodling here. I’m sorry but I can’t ship to the EU countries at the moment.
The book is also available from bookshop.org.