The other day I did say that I promise this is not going to turn into Carina’s Sketchblog, and I stand by that!
Buuuut!! I have signed up for an online course called Sketchbook Design because I love sketching but I feel like I need to do something to, I dunno, take my sketchbooks to the next level. So I treated myself to this course (thankfully I got it at an early-bird price!) and I’m going to work on this a lot in the coming weeks. I’m determined that it’s not going to be one of those cases where you sign up for an online thing and then you don’t really have the time to actually do the course. Or you forget or you get bored or whatever.
There probably will be more sketches than stitches on the blog for a little while. :-)
I’m really looking forward to doing this course. But I’m also a little bit nervous. Maybe everyone else in the course are amazing sketchers and my efforts will look poor in comparison. Not that it’s competition, but that’s what the B*stard Inner Critic is saying to me.
It is also saying “who are you to spend that much money on some silly hobby? Good grief!”
It obviously doesn’t know how much fabric I own?! :-D

So I’m going to spend the next few weeks trying to shut up B.I.C. and get on with learning new stuff. And try not to feel too guilty that I’m sketching and not stitching.
But I figure it’s another way to fill up the creative well, and improving in one creative area usually spills over into other things too. So here’s to learning and developing. :-)

Hi, Carina! You have nothing to worry about regarding your drawing talent. Your sketches are so lovely. Life is short, so enjoy your sketching course. Improving your skills is a great idea and keeps your work fresh while providing you with insight that you might never have thought of on your own. Good for you!!!
Thank you so much, Cheryl!
I know that improving my skills and doing something fun can only be a good thing but sometimes it’s just difficult giving myself permission to do something purely for fun. Good grief, that sounds a bit sad! ;-D
I think spending time in other creative endeavors benefits them all in ways you never expect. Your sketches already speak to your natural talent, and skills can be learned. As you are a teacher, you already know this. ;-) Enjoy your class. I look forward to seeing your new works.