Some of the sketching that has been distracting me from stitching. :-)
The exercise for the spread above is about adding secondary sketches. Something I’d never thought about doing before. Learning stuff already! :-) I’m really happy with this, both the drawings and the whole spread. Also now I want a choc chip cookie!

This spread is also about adding secondary elements, this time it is a diagram of the stones at Stonehenge. I didn’t really have an idea for trying this exercise but then Google Photos reminded me of a trip to Stonehenge etc and it seemed like a fun idea to sketch that. I like this spread but I wish that I had used more pastel-y colours in the diagram. I find the bold colour quite distracting, especially the red. But never mind, I’m just practicing and learning and having some fun. I’m definitely not going to beat myself up about it! :-D

In each of these sketches I pre-painted some of them and then drew on top with ink before adding the rest of the colour. I wish the pre-painting were a bit more obvious. I like when there are surprising colour bleeds and blends that add extra depth to a sketch.
I drew these sketches from photos I took in Aarhus (my hometown in DK) when my sister and I were both there in August 2018 (I haven’t seen her since…)
The two on the right and left are just random photos that I picked because they both had yellow in them and I thought that would be a nice ‘frame’ for the spread. The middle left shows the building where my dad lived as a child and the middle right is a sketch of my mum and my sister.

I don’t feel super confident in drawing humans but I’m actually really happy with how this one turned out. :-)
These are really great. I like seeing this technique of adding secondary elements. I’ve just noticed seeing that recently where someone did a close-up of a single element on the right-hand page, pulled from the much larger scene on the other page. Looks like you’re learning a lot and having fun.
Thank you, Barbara! Yes, I’m learning so much! It is really wonderful to stretch the sketchy muscles. :-)