It seems that I have got into a habit of darning socks on Saturday evenings. This is one of my efforts from last Saturday. I thought I’d do a little flower to darn this sock since it has a flower pattern. Visible mending ftw. :-)
If you follow me on Instagram, you may see another darn from me tomorrow (if the IG algorithm actually shows my posts to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).
I hope you have a good weekend. x Carina
P.S. If you would like to hear from me in your inbox, I have a newsletter. It is mostly me waffling on about random things I am thinking about, and sometimes I talk about new patterns and stuff like that. Check it our here. :-)
How to attach an adjustable strap on a bag. I actually have a tutorial for that here on the blog too, but I have managed to break the image links on it. D’oh.
Scientists find evidence of humans making clothes 120,000 years ago.
Scottish Gaelic sounds pronunciation guide.
Hundreds of Digital Illustrations Imagine Enchanting Storefronts and Their Friendly Shop Cats.
21 Tiny Habits to Improve Your Life in 2021 Effortlessly. (Maybe it will improve your life?)
Muslim Artists Are Re-envisioning Prayer Rugs to Address Misrepresentations of Islam.
The River Thames and its Architecture – Professor Simon Thurley.