It is time to unleash the Kraken, err, the November Mandala Stitchalong! I’m excited about starting these patterns. They have snowflakes and stars and flowers and an overall (I think) Scandi feel. So looking forward to getting started! I may have started a tiny bit with the first one. I mean…I had to have a picture of something stitched, right? :-D
You can sign up for the stitchalong here. As with the other stitchalongs this year, you will get one main pattern on four Tuesdays in November, as well as a bunch of extra motifs to go with, or inspired by, the main pattern. In other words, it’s really good value! :-)
I am stitching along at the same time as everyone else so that means that, although each pattern will have ideas for which colours and stitches to use, I may change my mind as I’m stitching each one. But that’s part of the fun! Seeing what a pattern wants to look like. Maybe you want to use completely different colours or add a bunch of stitches; it’s all brilliant!
Sign up now and you can download an extra pattern straight away. The stitchalong patterns will be released each Tuesday in November.
Of course you can sign up and just squirrel away the patterns for some other time, there is no pressure to finish any of the patterns in November. Enjoying the stitching is more important than meeting some arbitrary deadline! Although, saying that, you could use these patterns to decorate Christmas presents… :-)
November 30th will be the last day to get access to the patterns at the stitchalong price.