The finished third mandala in the November stitchalong. As I mentioned the other day, it didn’t quite feel like ‘me’ in the black and white version of the pattern but the stitching has made it come to life as it were. I really, really love how it has turned out.
Sometimes I have an idea but I’m not sure how it is going to look in the physical form. Will it be better? Or worse? In this case it turned out way better than the image I had in my head. Sometimes that is definitely not the case! But you just gotta try stuff sometimes. It’s all part of it. The stuff that doesn’t work out so well can still teach you something or inspire something else.
And sometimes the things that do work out, can also show you different/new ways of doing things. Maybe I’m going to explore more patterns with all straight lines etc. You never know where making things will take you… :-)