I am working on a (slightly mad) project this month: make a mini quilt every day. I decided to do that on a whim, because apparently that is how I roll. But come to think of it, it’s not so whimsical.
Lately, I’ve had some pain in my thumb which means I have to do much less embroidery than I would like to. Which is driving me a bit crazy. I mean, embroidery is my thing, it’s what I do. Both to sell patterns but definitely also just for fun and to relax.
So what to do instead? Make mini quilts seemed like the obvious choice. I guess? :-D
I have two ‘rules’ for the mini quilts: the size is between 8″ (smallest edge) and 12″ (largest edge) and the quilt must be quilted but not bound. I’m going to batch bind them I think…

I have no plans for what I am going to make this month. Each day I just grab some fabric and make something with it. Sometimes I have made some ‘classic’ quilt blocks, sometimes it is improv style. It’s fun!
To my surprise, there has been much less green (one of my very favourite colours) in the quilts than I thought there would be. And a lot more purple and yellow (my two least favourite colours). Not sure what’s going on with that.

I really like this mini quilt. It is made of scraps from some of the previous mini quilts. Again there is a lot of yellow and purple but mixed with pink and a tiny pop of green in the print in the centre.

Here is finally some green! I love that lime green print with the poppies in the quilt on the right. So pretty. :-)
Sometimes one quilt inspires another and I think I want to make another one with the leaf shapes (the pink and blue one in the middle). Maybe play with the scale of the leaf shapes. I dunno…

The block on the left here is not at all my colours, but I quite like it anyway? The middle one is just crazy. I like that too. :-D
Speaking of classic quilt blocks, I thought I would try and make a trip around the world block and that is the one on the right. I do like how it turned out, although maybe I should have used fabrics with more contrast. But, oh my, it was *so* fiddly to put together and despite my best efforts to put it together right I still made a mistake. Can you spot it? Oh well. :-)

This is the block I made yesterday and although it is mostly yellow I really like it. The solid pink strips does a lot of lifting in my liking of the block, though! I like the improv piecing. Make little blocks that are wonky: add other bits to make them square-ish. Lines are broken and come together. I think I will do more of this. The problem solving of improv quilting really appeals to me.
Oh and I really like the tight lines of quilting, it sort of pulls the whole thing together. :-)
Is yellow really one of your least favorite colors? I wouldn’t have guessed and thought you use quite a bit of it… maybe I’m just remembering a sense of lots of yellow because I always notice when you use it in a way that wouldn’t occur to me (pink with yellow comes immediately to mind). It’s actually gotten me thinking differently about yellow, which is definitely one of my least favorite colors as well… but I do love purple! Thanks for sharing.
Well, it’s not that I dislike yellow and avoid using it. It’s just more of a support act than the main act! :-D
I don’t usually like log cabin quilts. But I love your wonky ones where perspective is changed into an altered reality.
Log cabin blocks as portals to altered realities, I like it! :-)
How do you make a wonky log cabin square? It’s so fun! Your color choices are awesome.
Thank you! :-)
If you put ‘how to make a wonky log cabin block?’ into your favourite search engine, you’ll find loads of tutorials! :-)