A couple of weeks ago it really did not feel like any kind of autumn was near at all. For about a week we hit 29-32°C every day. Too hot for England, too hot for almost autumn.
And now it is autumn. Autumn Equinox anyway. And that means it’s officially autumn? Although meteorological autumn started on September 1st. Astrological autumn starts today (spring if you’re on the southern hemisphere of course).
Anyway. It’s also time for another motif in the Wheel of The Year embroidery. I may have mentioned a couple of times how much I love having the project to slowly work on through the year? Because I do. It makes me very happy to have these markers of the turning of the year. It makes me pause and notice what is going on in nature.
The Wheel of The Year project(s) are intended to be evergreen, so you can start them at any point of the year. And you are very welcome to join in with this year’s pattern/stitchalong! Join The Wheel of The Year 2023 here.
The whole pattern is starting to fill in, here is what it looks like:

It just makes me happy. It’s so much better in real life than the image I had in my head. :-)
Awesome color combo for this one!
Thank you, Barbara! :-)