The 100 Day Project started on Sunday! I’m taking part in it again this year. :-)
My project this year is to make a daily fabric collage using all those little fabric scraps that aren’t big enough for sewing together to make quilt blocks, for example. But they can be cut into shapes and appliquéd to a background. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m very excited, it’s just the sort of thing I love to do. :-)
Most of what I make is probably going to be flowers but I’m hoping to add some birds, I started the project with that bird below. And maybe some other animals, who know. I’m just going to show up to the table and the pile of scraps every day and then we’ll see what happens.
Are you doing the 100 day project? Done it before?
I’ll be sharing my project daily on Instagram with this tag: 100daysofscrapcollages2024
And I’ll also share it weekly-ish on YouTube, I made a playlist for the project. :-)
I really enjoy the 100 day project, I’ve completed it four times so far (and abandoned one at day 60, hey-ho). Here are my previous 100 day projects:
2023 Slow stitching project – 2022 Stitch sampler project – 2020 Satin stitch dot project – 2019 New York drawings project.
And the abandoned one for good measure. :-D