Summer Slow Stitching Project

Over on YouTube I have started a slow stitching project for the summer. I would love if you would join me! It is a small project, where we add a bit every week for eight weeks, inspired by eight prompt words. I have a list of prompt words and I share one each week but you can pick your own of course!

The first prompt was ‘nature’ and you can just about see what I’m making for that prompt in the image above… :-)

I can’t wait to see how this project turns out. I’m looking forward to getting inspired by each prompt.

If you want to join me, first check out the getting ready video to set up your project. Then follow each prompt in the coming weeks. Prompt one is here and the rest of the videos will show up in this playlist. The rest of the prompt will be shared every Friday with two week break in the middle when I’m on holiday. :-)


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