I am not completely sure what prompted me to do this, but for the past 40 days or so, I have been taking a picture of this corner of the desk in my studio. It’s a record of what I’m working on, I guess. And a record that I am actually working on something!
This year I have often felt like I wasn’t doing anything, wasn’t making anything, because I haven’t been able to do much embroidery (because of pain in my stitching hand). But I have been doing other stuff! :-)
I post these daily on Bluesky and in my Substack notes. It works better as a record on Bluesky because you can use hashtags there.
I’m not sure how long I will keep doing this but it would be interesting to do it for quite a long time, a year minimum. The project is called Daily Honest Desk because I snap a picture of the desk as it is. I don’t tidy or style it. The only ‘alteration’ I do is to remove anything personal/private that I don’t want to share with the Internet. :-D

Working on my Wheel of The Year pages! Which were supposed to be handstitched but I am actually enjoying the process of machine stitching them. It’s a different way of working and thinking about the stitching and that’s interesting.

I’m trying to do more drawing, more sketching. I enjoy it a lot when I’m doing it and I enjoy having my sketch journals to look through. So I really just should do more of it!

Something I have been doing a bit lately: drawing different quilt blocks with crayons and coloured pencils. As a way to try out colour combinations before I commit to fabric. But also because it’s fun! Geometric shapes, happy colours, what’s not to like?! :-D