Happy new year!
I have realised something… I feel like I haven’t got any embroidery ideas. Which feels very odd. I usually have loads of ideas for patterns or personal projects. I guess it’s because I’ve not been able to do much embroidery for most of 2024 because my stitching hand has been out of commission for one reason or the other.
I’m still not sure how I injured my thumb in the summer, although I suspect a heavy suitcase was involved, but it is a lot better now! Four months ago, I could barely pinch the thumb to my middle finger without pain, but now I can pinch it to the pinkie finger and most days there’s only a little discomfort. Progress! I’m glad I took the time to let it heal, even if it meant cutting way-way back on the hand stitching.
One embroidery project that has been languishing for months is my temperature embroidery. I picked it back up over the Christmas break and now I have caught up a little bit from where I left it at the end of March. I hope I can finish April and May this month. In February I may start the temperature embroidery for 2025.
Sigh. I feel really far behind. And I don’t want to over do it with the hand stitching either, just in case I hurt my hand again. It’s a balance, I guess.
By the way, if you are interested in making your own temperature project, or tracking some other information, using embroidery or quilting or knitting… I wrote an ebook about that a couple of years ago. It is full of tips to get started and keep going. It also has ideas for what of project you can make and even some suggestions for quilt blocks etc. As well as a DMC threads temperature scale and sheets you can use for tracking the information in your project.
You can find the ebook here. And if you just need a DMC temps scale, that is available on its own too.
I hope I find my embroidery mojo soon. I want to get back to stitching! :-)